Heraklion hosts many canyons, most of which cross the ranges of Psiloritis and Asterousia. Asterousia has wonderful hiking canyons, some of the most important being Agiofarago, Martsalo and Trafoulas. However, the most famous gorge is the canyon Gafaris at Psiloritis, crossing the magnificent oak wood of Rouvas. Other canyons of Psiloritis are the gorge of Kroussonas, through which passes the Minoan path to the Idaean Cave, the gorge Vromonero, the gorge Vorizano and the two small canyons of Asites (Saint Charalambos and Saint Anthony). Near Heraklion city, there are the lush canyons of Karteros, Kounavi, Sylamos, Almyros and Venerato. Moreover, the western slopes of Lassithi Mountains host the canyons of Roza, Ambelos, Apotyposi and the river Aposelemis by Hersonissos.
Apart from reachable gorges, Heraklion is home to some very popular technical canyons such as the imposing canyon of Arvi, which after an 80m high fall turns into a dark underground river. Especially the area of Tsoutsouras and Keratokambos is home to many steep canyons that have been equipped with bolts and anchors for training new canyoners.

The gorge of Valahas is formed south of Heraklion and the beach Elygia is formed at its exit. The highest rapel is 50m high and 4 hours are required for its crossing (only with canyoning equipment). The lower part of the gorge is covered by pine trees.

A very wild gorge starting from the valley of Pervola, next to Mournia village at Asterousia Mounts, and ending on the remote amazing beach of Kaminaki. There is a trail, quite steep, starting from Pervola.

Xerofarago Gorge is located south of Kalami village (Viannos area), 75km southeast of Heraklion. It is a small gorge ideal for canyoning (known to the canyoners as Kalami II) that terminates close to the old church of Panagia Keralimeniotissa, where another gorge, Kalami Gorge ends.

Apolychnos Gorge is located a few kilometers north of Mires town, in a lush green area with dense olive groves. It's actually a narrow valley running along a river, which in some places gets deeper and the vegetation is very dense.

The Goniano gorge is the unique passage which connects Sklavokampos and Gonies with Tylisos. Its length is 3 km. and is relatively wide and straight. Reaching though the exit (in the point where a monument of those killed during the 2nd World War is in the road to Gonies) the gorge turns abruptly towards south and before it comes out of the limestone mass follows an irregular and abrupt course.

The gorge of Saint Charalambos is a small, but beautiful canyon located south of village Ano Asites. It takes its name after the church of Saint Charalambos located at its beginning. Till the middle of spring, the gorge has water, forcing hikers to traverse (to hike along its walls).

One of the most impressive and longest canyons of the entire island of Crete is the canyon with the cacophonous name Psoraris (Greek: someone who suffers from scabies). Its exit is located at the mountains of Dikti, above the village Geraki and it starts from the plateau Parasyrta. There are three different mountain roads, all of unique beauty: from Lassithi plateau (village Kaminaki), from Geraki and Katofygi by Viannos.

The gorge of Mindris starts near the village Filippi and ends at the port of Tsoutsouras, after running a distance of 6km. It is a open canyon without vertical walls, which’s riverbed is dry in summer and very easy to walk. On the riverside traces of ancient settlements, ranging from the Minoan to Roman Era have been found.