Explore Cretan


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With around 1,000 kilometres of coastline,
Mediterranean-scented scenery is entwined with Crete’s
outdoorsy way of life.

20 Top beaches | Tips | Balos | Chrissi | Elafonissi | Vai | Preveli | Agiofarago | Sea Sports | Diving

From the dunes of Lafonissi and Xerokambos to the tropical shores of Kedrodasos and Chrissi, from the hidden beaches in the wild gorges of Sfakia and Asteroussia to the emerald bays of Triopetra and Plakias, from Balos and Elounda lagoons to the palm groves of Preveli and Vai, from piney beaches of Ierapetra to the long organized strands of the northern coasts, Crete offers the ultimate combination of carefree holidays and natural beauty, which can be finely reflected on its beaches.

Lakki beach

Lakki is located 81km southeast of Chania and 48km southwest of Rethymno city. It’s located close to Fragokastelo, just 2km eastern, near the village Skaloti. A small stream that runs in the Gorge of Sfaggofarago empties to the west of Lakki. The beach is accessed by driving in the road that starts from Skaloti.


Rapaniana beach

The long beach in Rapaniana is located 20km west of Chania and 4km east of Kolimbari. It is just a part of the vast beach stretching from Cape Rodopos to Chania, including the beaches in front of Skoutelonas, Minothiana and Rapaniana villages.


Kedromouri beach

If you walk along the coast to the north of Maridati till Vai palmgrove, you will meet several small coves, totally secluded accessed only by boat or on foot (it takes 2:30 hours to reach Vai). The most beautiful beach is located at the middle of the distance (Vai-Maridati) and is named Kedromouri, i.e. cedar Cape, after the trees in the area.


Skepasti beaches

he beaches of Skepasti are located about 27km east of Rethymnon and 2km east of the homonym village Skepasti, in the province of Milopotamos. The beaches are mainly accessed through bad dirt tracks that starts from the village. Skepasti beaches are all open to the north winds, with pebbles and deep water.


Louros beaches

Louros is a rocky area between the settlements of Agios Georgios by Agia Galini and Agios Pavlos, hosting several small beaches. There is a road running above them all. Driving west from Agios Georgios, we soon meet the small beaches of Armenopetra (i.e. sailing rock) named after a lonely boulder in the sea. The beaches are ideal for snorkeling.


Kavros beach

At the point where the prefecture of Rethymno meets Chania, east of Georgioupolis beaches, we find the beaches of Kavros and Kournas. The place at its greatest part is developed and only a very small part of it has been left untouched. Between this remaining virgin parts of the beach there is an extensive and very important ecosystem of dunes.


Agios Kirikos beach (Lissos)

The beach of Lissos is located at position Ai-Kyrkos (Agios Kyrikos) about 71km south of Chania and 3 km west of Sougia. It is the site of ancient Lissos, which was actually the seaport of another town, called Elyros. The ruins of Elyros are located close to today's village Rodovani.


Maridaki beach

Maridaki is a seaside hamlet on the eastern side of Asterousia Mount, 65km south of Heraklion and in the west side of Tsoutsouras Bay. Despite the short distance from Tsoutsouras (2-3km), there is no direct road linking the two settlements (except a footpath). The only thing that separates Tsoutsouras and Maridaki is a very steep mountain with numerous caves and karstic formations.


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