Religious Monuments of Crete


The province Monofatsi is one of the most important religious centers of Crete, as it hosted many flourishing monasteries and hermitages. Apart from the isolated religious centre of Asterousia Mountains, which we study separately, small monasteries were also scattered throughout the province.

Church of Holy Trinity in Ligortynos

The ruined church of the Holy Trinity (Agia Triada) is located within the boundaries of the settlement of Ligortynos in the province of Monofatsi. Its use is placed from the post-Byzantine period to the Venetian period, and more specifically between the 11th and 15th centuries, with most findings dating to the 12th and 13th centuries.


Church of Panagia at Arkalohori

The church of Panagia at village Arkalohori is dedicated to the Birth of the Virgin. While it seems a newer church, it is Byzantine and under the plaster covering its walls it probably hides exquisite frescoes. There are some parts with frescoes that have been revealed.


Church of Saints Nicholas and Charalambos at Miliarisi

The cemeterial temple of St Nikolaos and St Charalambos at MIliarisi is very special because it is dikonchos (double-niche), a type that is rare. The type of dikonchos church differs from the two-aisled as there is a common roof for both aisles, without interference of wall between the aisles.


Mikri Episkopi at Partira

The ruined village Mikri Episkopi (i.e. Small Diocese) is located near Partira and was the seat of the Diocese of Arcadia. As expected, the village hosted an imposing temple, which has now collapsed. Columns and walls testify the importance of the temple.


Church of Prophet Elijah at Agia Varvara

According to residents of the village Agia Varvara , their village is located exactly in the center of Crete. They say that once two priests started walking, one from Sitia and the other from Chania, to share Crete in the middle.


Church of Saint Anastasia in Kastellos (Kastelliana)

The church of Saint Anastasia is located in the southwestern part of the castle and was built, according to Gerola, on the ruins of two ancient cisterns. Due to its small size, the fragmentary iconographic program, dated to the middle of the 14th century, bears only a few frescoes.


Pano Panagia Church at Kastellos

The church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary or Pano Panagia is located in the northeast part of the castle and bears very ruined frescoes of 1467 painted by Georgios Pelegris. The painter is probably the same with the homonymous painter who worked in Chandakas (today's Heraklion) from 1456-1487.


Panagia Church at Ini

Next to the small dam of Kera in the village Ini we meet the picturesque church of Panagia Kera dedicated to Panagia Zoodochos Pigi (Life Giving Spring). The temple bears no frescoes inside. Next to the temple there is a small cave with a spring of water, which is considered holy.


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