Rethymnon city

Pigianos Kambos


Watch your steps!

From May to September each year you can watch
the comings and goings of the endangered Loggerhead sea turtles
nesting on the beach

Pigianos Kambos beaches
(347 votes)

Pigianos Kambos (or Pigi beach) is located 8km east of Rethymno, in the middle of the long beach of Rethymno Bay. The name Pigianos Kambos means “Plane of Pigi” in Greek and is taken after the fertile fields of the residents of village Pigi, which is located in close proximity. Today it is a seaside touristic area, less developed than the neighboring Adelianos Kambos. There are many apartments, rooms and some large hotels, combined with several options for eating, entertainment and shopping.

The beach of the area is quite calm and less noisy than the rest beaches of Rethymnon. Between Pigianos Kambos and Stavromenos, you can swim and snorkel in the numerous rocky small coves. Moreover, in Pigianos Kambos you might have the chance to see the protected nests of sea turtles, laying their eggs on the sandy beach. 

There are frequent bus services to Pigianos Kampos from the center of Rethymnon.

hotels booking Crete

Additional Info

  • Location: Rethymnon Prefecture, Central Crete, North Crete, Rethymnon city area
  • Sea water color: Blue
  • Sand type: Sand, Rocks in places
  • Depth: Shallow
  • Sea surface: Usually wavy
  • Crowds: Quiet
  • Facilities: Accommodation options nearby, Food / water nearby, Umbrellas / beds, Sports, Lifeguard, Showers, Blue Flag
  • Other Information: Seaturtle nesting point
  • Accessibility: Bus services, Paved road
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